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My girlfriend is pregnant

Options for Men and Partners

Educated. Supported. Equipped. 

services for men

All our services are confidential and free of charge. Services for men and partners include:

  • Abortion, adoption, and parenting information

  • Pregnancy decision consultation

  • STI/STD education

  • Parenting programs

  • After abortion support

  • Referrals

What you can do

Take your time. The best thing you can do is pause and help her slow down. She has plenty of time to make a decision. Make an appointment for the two of you to come in for a no-pressure pregnancy decision consultation to explore your options, and make a pregnancy confirmation appointment for her.

Home pregnancy tests are an indicator of pregnancy, but not a confirmation. Know for sure before you both decide your next steps.

Do you have abortion in your past? You are not alone.

We are here for you.

Contact us on the form below 


“Guys like us (with a past abortion) have learned to be alone over many years of isolation and pain. Anger and pride keep us isolated when what we really need are other men who will walk with us. 

We are stronger together.”

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