Am I Pregnant?
Early pregnancy signs and symptoms vary from person to person and many can mimic period symptoms too. However, below is a list of several of the most common indicators that you may be pregnant. If you check more than one on this list, don’t freat.
We offer free and confidential pregnancy verification and confirmation appointments along with options consultations so you can determine your next steps.
Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms
My period is more than 2 days late.
My breasts feel sore or heavy.
Certain smells make me feel nauseous or I feel a stronger sense of smell.
I’ve had light spotting but no heavy bleeding.
I feel exhausted but I’ve been sleeping regularly.
I have a metallic taste in my mouth,
I feel nauseous, especially in the mornings or when I skip a meal.
I am craving certain foods.
I have taken a pregnancy test and it appeared to be positive.
Just a reminder, even a positive pregnancy test is not a confirmation of pregnancy, only an ultrasound can do that. Make an appointment today for free pregnancy testing, and if needed, an obstetric ultrasound to determine if you are pregnant, viability, and how far along you are.
For more pregnancy signs and symptoms, check out our blog.